6M Mr Magennis Room 19
P6M Room 19 Mr Magennis/ Mr Jennings
Welcome to Primary 6M
You are very welcome to our class web page. We hope you enjoy finding out all about what we do in Primary 6. We try to make learning as fun and engaging as possible, particularly aiming to develop pupils’ life skills, enabling them to develop their independence at home and school alike. During the spring and summer months we try to take as much of our learning out of the classroom and into the nature garden and school pitch when topics allow us to do so. The boys study music and philosophy each week and these are delivered by specialists in their fields of expertise. The children are offered a wide range of learning opportunities both inside and outside school such as Mindfulness, Hurling, Gaelic Football Training, Boxing, Accelerated Reader and Freckle maths.
Our topics this year include:
- The Vikings
- Heroes and Villains
- Global Dimensions
P6MJ R19 Teaching Staff
Mr Magennis
Mr Jennings
P6 R19 Classroom Assistants
School Day:
Start: 8.45am
Break: 10.45 to 10.55am
Lunch: 12.30pm to 1.10pm
Finish: 2.45pm (Monday to Thursday) and 1:20pm (Friday)
Have a look at our News Feed to see what we’ve been up to!
Please ensure you have a working link for the Bitmoji Classroom. This is a useful resource to keep all Educational apps and lines of communication in one convenient spot. More resources and links will be added to this as we progress throughout the year.
Thank you.
Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: holycrossboys@hotmail.com