6H Mr Hawkins Room 20
Welcome to our Year 6 class web page. You will be able to discover all the interesting things we study in class. From the Thematic units we teach the curriculum through, to the extra-curricular activities we have to offer. We try to make learning as fun, interesting and interactive as possible. During the spring and summer months we try to take as much of our learning out of the classroom and into the nature garden and school pitch when topics allow us to do so. The boys study music and philosophy each week and these are delivered by specialists in their fields of expertise. There is a lot of work to be covered in the school year but the pupils enjoy the overall experience and always do their best.
Our Topics This year
- The Vikings
- Heroes & Villains
- Global Dimensions
P6H Teaching Staff
Mr Hawkins
P6H Room 20 Classroom Assistants
Mr Ferrin
Miss Braniff
School Day
Start – 8:45am
Break – 10:45am-10:55am
Lunch – 12:30pm- 1:10pm
Finish – 2:45pm (Mon-Thurs) 1:15pm (Fri)
Latest Photographs

Primary Information
Class Photograph

Latest Videos
Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: holycrossboys@hotmail.com