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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
P1-3 Christmas Show: As publicised in our Weekly Bulletin, our annual P1-3 Christmas Show ‘ BAUBLES -  A TREE-MENDOUS NATIVITY’ will take place for Parents (Day 1) on Wednesday 11th December and for Parents (Day 2) on Thursday 12th December 2024 @10.00am  in the school hall (Doors open at 9.45am).There will be a limited number of tickets available for £5.00 from Monday 2nd December in the school office from the secretary. [Open Image]
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 📣Calling all Parents 📣 We are offering this fantastic prize draw in aid of much needed school funds.

3rd Dec 2024

 📣Calling all Parents 📣

-How do you fancy picking up a must have PlayStation accessory for Xmas for just the cost of a ballot ticket or two…?

-The school are offering this fantastic prize draw in aid of much needed school funds.

-It’s £5 to pick one number between 1-100 but if you buy two for £10 you will get a third entry- a random number between 101-150- free!
-The draw will be updated daily and numbers will not be confirmed until payment is first.
-Please use your number(s) as the reference & remember those eligible for a free number (from buying 2) will have it allocated at random & this can be checked on the number list posted…
-Just comment below with your name & your chosen available number(s) & all will be confirmed & updated once payment has been received…
-When all numbers are sold we will pick the winner using a number generator. The draw will take place in the week before we break for the Christmas holidays.

Payments to be made via PayPal to

** So get involved as this would make an excellent Xmas gift for somebody special or to sell on for a bit of extra cash during this costly season!**

Thank you for your continued support.
Good luck! 🤞🏻