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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Due to extensive work being carried out in the canteen (starting Monday 20th January 2025), the Breakfast club will now take place in the school hall (8.00-8.45am). Food - Only Toast and Juice will be served (No Cereal).
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HCB Anti-Bullying Ambassadors meet their respective classes.

26th Nov 2024

Our 30 Anti-Bullying ambassadors (Year 7 pupils), wearing their high vis jackets with their special badges on, visited their respective P1-3 classes today to introduce themselves to the boys.

They explained to the younger boys that they will be in their class zone on the school pitch every day at break and lunch time (starting today) to assist the supervisor and ensure that they are playing safely and that no one is displaying anti-bullying type behaviours. If they see this or rough play, then they will inform the adult on duty.

Our Pupil Voice – Student Council brought in this very exciting and worthwhile initiative in a few years ago and it continues to work very successfully.

Well done boys!