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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast

Mr McArevey’s TTR song – Have a listen on World Philosophy Day - Thursday 21st November 2024!

21st Nov 2024

The TTR song beautifully captures the essence of philosophical teachings from ancient Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle. It emphasizes the importance of wisdom, kindness, balance, and rational thinking in our daily lives.

The references to Plato's legacy, Aristotle's Triangle of Happiness, and Seneca's wisdom all highlight the timeless relevance of these philosophical concepts. The song encourages listeners to reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and actions, and to strive for a harmonious and fulfilling life guided by reason and virtue.

The repetition of the chorus reinforces the message of seeking success through wisdom and thoughtful living. Overall, this song serves as a thoughtful reminder of the enduring wisdom found in ancient philosophical teachings and is beautifully sung by Mr Johnston’s P7 boys with the music put together from the brilliance of Mr Mullan.