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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Important Info/Dates: The HCB Breakfast Club is FREE for all pupils in Term 2 and Term 3. St. Patrick’s Day Holidays – Pupil will finish at 11.00am on Friday 14th March & return on Wed 19th March. The Sacrament of Reconciliation/ First Confession for Primary 3 on Thursday 27th March in church @11.00am. Careers Week: Monday 7th to Friday 11th April 2025. Rewarding Pupils: Term 2 Award Winners for Reading, Maths and Attendance on Tuesday 15th April 2025. Easter Holidays: Pupils will finish early on Thursday 17th April (@11.00am) and return Mon 28th April 2025. First Holy Communion Year 4 - Friday 23rd May @11am. May Bank Holidays: School closed on Mon 5th & Tue 6th May & on Mon 26th & Tue 27th May 2025.                                                                                                                                                                 
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Silly Billies

10th Oct 2024

Today was world mental health day. In room 4 we discussed what gives us good mental health and how we may feel when we do not have good mental health. We watched the story of Silly Billy. We talked about what makes us worried and what we can do about it. We made worry dolls to take home and put under our pillows or beside our bed. We listened to calming music and let our worries drift away. We went home relaxed and happy 🥰
We hope you take some time today to do something that makes you feel good 🩵