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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
The 2nd Gaelic football trials for the school team will be held on Tuesday 24th September (3.00 to 4.00pm).
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Solitude Weekly winners on Friday 13th September 2024

13th Sep 2024

Well done to the following boys who were selected to go to Solitude today for a coaching session on the pitch with our staff members, Mr. Wallace, Tony Kane and Joe Gormley (Cliftonville FC). The boys were selected for their outstanding efforts with their behaviour and attitude in their first full week back to school.

Joe ‘the Goal’ is usually responsible for putting the ball into the back of the net, but today (alongside Tony), he helped release a trapped seagull free from the net! Well done men.

Thanks so much to Cliftonville FC and especially Imelda Pettigrew for the use of their superb facilities every week.