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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
P1-3 Christmas Show: As publicised in our Weekly Bulletin, our annual P1-3 Christmas Show ‘ BAUBLES -  A TREE-MENDOUS NATIVITY’ will take place for Parents (Day 1) on Wednesday 11th December and for Parents (Day 2) on Thursday 12th December 2024 @10.00am  in the school hall (Doors open at 9.45am).There will be a limited number of tickets available for £5.00 from Monday 2nd December in the school office from the secretary. [Open Image]
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9th Jun 2023

Our amazing artwork and research has come together to create the most amazing display Ardoyne has ever seen!
Our planets are made from paper lanterns covered with  plaster paris (there are some of these boys that will make amazing fracture nurses!!) and painted with acrylic paint to give it a shiny finish. 

It’s out of this world!!!!!