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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Due to extensive work being carried out in the canteen (starting Monday 20th January 2025), the Breakfast club will now take place in the school hall (8.00-8.45am). Food - Only Toast and Juice will be served (No Cereal).
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Term 1 AR (Accelerated Reader) Awards for pupils who achieved their individual targets

12th Dec 2023

With term one finishing next week, it was time to reward the pupils who have met their individual reading targets in AR. Many boys received certificates for their efforts from AR Coordinator, Mr. Connolly, but those who achieved their target points got the opportunity to guess a three-digit code to open the AR safe and collect the £20 reward inside.
Unfortunately, we had no winning code chosen, so another opportunity to win will be offered next week but only to those boys that have read the most words in the next week.
Boys who have shown a positive attitude to their reading, which was reflected in their word count also got certificates.
Individual teachers have also been giving out reward passes for effort e.g. homework passes, non-uniform pass, extra play pass, break of choice pass etc. It’s fair to say that the homework pass proved a very popular choice.
We encourage all the boys to read over the Christmas holidays, so they are ready to quiz as soon as they start term two and give themselves an opportunity to reach targets and receive rewards.
It definitely pays to read in Holy Cross Boys’.