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Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
P1-3 Christmas Show: As publicised in our Weekly Bulletin, our annual P1-3 Christmas Show ‘ BAUBLES -  A TREE-MENDOUS NATIVITY’ will take place for Parents (Day 1) on Wednesday 11th December and for Parents (Day 2) on Thursday 12th December 2024 @10.00am  in the school hall (Doors open at 9.45am).There will be a limited number of tickets available for £5.00 from Monday 2nd December in the school office from the secretary. [Open Image]
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Two Accelerated Reader (AR) Safe Winners on the same day!!

24th Oct 2024

Well done to these boys who enjoyed Morning Tea with the Principal for doing so well with their Accelerated Reader (AR) from the start of the school year to mid-term 1. They have either exceeded their AR target or are making excellent progress with their reading.

AR Coordinator, Mrs McShane visited the classes this week and the boys who are doing well with AR got the opportunity to guess a three-digit code to open the AR safe and collect the £20 reward inside.

A special congratulations to the two lucky pupils who both guessed the correct three-digit code on the same day. It definitely pays to read in Holy Cross Boys’.