Mission Statement

Holy Cross Boys’ strives to promote high self-esteem, a love of life-long learning and responsible citizenship within our school community where everyone is valued.’
Positive behaviour is always rewarded and negative behaviour challenged so that pupils can start to take responsibility for their own actions. Parents and/or carers are continually informed of pupil’s progress and are encouraged to be close partners in our school philosophy.
The child is the focus of our school and is valued as an individual and as one of God’s children. Catholic education is inclusive and engages with people of all beliefs. It aims to harmonise faith and culture, build a better society and pursue the common good. It is rooted in the gospel values of respect for Life, Love, Solidarity, Truth and Justice.
It is our desire to take our school community forward in its faith journey and religious development. Religious education is more than a subject to be taught, it is also a guide to a way of life. There is a certain amount of curriculum time set aside for RE each day, but more fundamentally all that we do is reflected through our faith and so becomes the thread and the reason for all that goes on in the school. We provide opportunities for everyone to experience individual and shared prayer, liturgy and worship supporting each other in our journey of faith.
Equal Opportunities
Our mission statement and the aims which underpin it confirm our commitment to equality of opportunity at Holy Cross Boys’ Primary School. We believe that all people are made in the image of God, capable of infinite possibilities. We aim to encourage all pupils to be positive and confident about themselves in our faith, uniqueness and diversity. We aim to be aware of the needs of each child as an individual, offering differentiated opportunities where appropriate. It is our desire to promote their development and welfare on an equal basis.
Aims of the school
- To see at work in our school community the values of God’s kingdom, prayer, truth, holiness, justice, love, forgiveness and peace.
- To promote an ethos of caring, concern and love in a school which looks to Christ for the basis of its existence. Anyone in need should be made to feel the loving concern of those around him or her.
- To deepen the relationship between the home, school and the parish of Holy Cross.
- To use the school’s mission statement as a basis for ensuring personal growth and professional development within our community.
- To help the children acquire knowledge and skills and to achieve high standards within the framework of the National Curriculum, and to develop attitudes that will help them to live a full and interesting adult life in the community.
- To give children an awareness of their own abilities and powers, of their relationship with and towards others, and to develop their capabilities in reaching their full potential as responsible caring adults.
Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: holycrossboys@hotmail.com