Shared Education

At Holy Cross Boys’ Primary School, we believe that shared education is an important factor in the growth, development and wellbeing of not just our pupils but also our staff and community as it gives us the opportunity to engage in collaborative and meaningful learning experiences from working in partnership with other schools.
Shared Education occurs when schools from different sectors come together in local partnerships with the objective of providing enhanced educational outcomes for all young people through collaborative working.
For pupils this means participating in shared classes which have been jointly planned, delivered and evaluated by teachers from across the partner schools. For parents it means having the chance to take part in shared events within partner schools and for the wider community it offers an opportunity for groups and individuals to engage with local schools in a very different way to that previously experienced.
We have been lucky enough to be involved with CRIS (Community Relations In Schools) so far for many years, working alongside Glenwood Primary School on cross community ventures.
Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: