HCB Uniform and PE Uniform

REMINDER: HCB School Uniform consists of:
- Black jumper (with school crest)
- Red Polo shirt
- Plain Black trousers
- Plain black shoes/black trainers (no stripes/designs)
- Black shorts can be worn in the summer months.
- Parents/guardians are asked to label all items of clothing clearly with their child’s name.
- On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school (watches are not considered items of jewellery and may be worn). Earrings ARE NOT PERMITTED.
- Hair: Lines or dyes ARE NOT PERMITTED.
All pupils should wear their full P.E Uniform on their P.E days.
- White Polo Shirt
- Black Jogger Bottoms
- Normal Black School Jumper with HCB Crest
- Black Trainers
Trainer Tuesday: Please remind the boys that they are ONLY permitted to wear trainers (any colour) on Trainer Tuesday and must pay 50p. On PE days, pupils can wear their PE gear with black trainers and black shoes on the other school days.
Holy Cross Boys' PS, Brookfield Street, BT14 7EX
Phone: 028 9035 1032 | Email: holycrossboys@hotmail.com