Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader has been operating in Holy Cross Boys’ for many years and is a programme that we feel deserves our heavy financial investment each year. Accelerated Reader is a guided reading intervention used to supplement regular reading lessons within our P4 – P7 classes. Its aim is to improve students' reading skills through reading practice and quizzes on the books students read. The boys are rewarded regularly for their word counts and quiz accuracy and celebrated on our Accelerated Reader display wall for the rest of the school to see.
Mrs Bennett, the Accelerated Reader coordinator, has recently introduced a new initiative to encourage an improvement in the accuracy of our boys’ quiz results and this has created much excitement. When a boy has passed two quizzes with 100%, he earns the chance to guess the 3-digit code of our Treasure Safe and win the prize inside – currently a £50 Smyth’s voucher!
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