Access Keys:

Holy Cross Boys PS, Belfast
Due to the current weather conditions, any parent who wishes their child to go straight home today and not attend After Schools, can collect their child at the normal home time.
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0040f679 a157 4b2a 807b a3264d621ef8
Happy Halloween 2023
IMG 2259
trim.18E85133 BCC3 4BA4 9790 A276AE5293DA
Room 4 spooky ghost song
P5C’s Assembly on Worries, Anger & Choices
P7H Honour Roll Programme
bd79b0b8 5580 402d 9180 d16bf64582d0
7f964d89 07ff 44d0 93a8 31d0554ca60a
f1d638af 2a15 44f2 9d03 325ac668ad52